I will say that as we get older, we get wiser. We experience new things both good and bad. We make mistakes, we learn, we grow. Through all my experiences, I’ve changed. I evolved like a pokemon as my friends used to say. Nyahaha!
Here’s the 28 things I’ve learned in my 28 years so far:
1. Stop too much selfies and emo post.
Yeah right. I’m guilty of it. Been there, done that. Not everyone has to know what you are going through.
2. Attitude has to change.
Diversify, do not stay with the same group forever, meeting new people means new perspective; means wider horizon; means better attitude.
3. Handling finances.
I have learned not to incur credit card debt, religiously save, and have personal insurance policies and stock positions. I will not be able to do it if I am not able to learn the next point which is..