28 lessons learned at 28

I will say that as we get older, we get wiser. We experience new things both good and bad. We make mistakes, we learn, we grow. Through all my experiences, I’ve changed. I evolved like a pokemon as my friends used to say. Nyahaha!

Here’s the 28 things I’ve learned in my 28 years so far:

1. Stop too much selfies and emo post.
Yeah right. I’m guilty of it. Been there, done that. Not everyone has to know what you are going through.

2. Attitude has to change.
Diversify, do not stay with the same group forever, meeting new people means new perspective; means wider horizon; means better attitude.

3. Handling finances.
I have learned not to incur credit card debt, religiously save, and have personal insurance policies and stock positions. I will not be able to do it if I am not able to learn the next point which is..

4. Living within my means.
I used to let pride drive me; I tried to live a life that is actually unhealthy financially. It left me broke and struggling with my finances.

5. Healthy cash flow.
I am still in the process with regards to this one but I am fully aware that this is a must and something that I must work on with.

6. Travel more.
I will put this into practice, to travel just by taking a pinch from my profit in investing; to reward myself some adventure. I believe people who travel become some of the most tolerant people you will ever meet. Travel teaches you that everyone is different.

7. Stop being a flake.
No more backing out of plans. Be dependable!

8. Be decisive.
I’m still pushing myself about this one. As we all know, we girls use to change our mind from time to time. But Hey! I’m already 28 and am already a woman not a girl! ”Be certain about your will Paula!” that’s what I say during some self talk. Haha!

9. Preference will start to change.
I am now seeing things from different light. Simplicity is actually elegant. I am more after beautiful mind and soul, more professional and neat clothing...etc.

10. Love is not something we chase.
“Accept it, not win it.” Love is something we accept, if it is not given freely then it is not worth having. If someone loves you, they will surely let you know, let you feel and commit to you. No excuses. No hindrances. They will accept you as you are and inspire you to be better.

11. For something that lasts.
Instead of falling for beautiful looks, go for a beautiful mind.

12. Love from your strength.
Loving from your insecurities demands from others. Loving from your strengths gives to them. Always answers the question “What can I do for you?”

13. All kinds of relationship require almost same effort.
Whether it's friendship, love relationship, family relationship.. name it!, all of it needs to be nurtured! They need time and effort. ‪#‎LittleThingsThatAreActuallyTheBigThings‬

14. Just be the real you.
Nothing beats authenticity. Open your heart to people, those who care will love you more, and those who don’t will hate you. ­­­(­­cut the haters, they shouldn’t be part of your life.)

15. You can be friends to anyone but only to few you can be vulnerable.
I am thankful that I have those few.

16. Deal with your insecurities.
Insecurities are not something we should dwell on. We should work to improve what can be improved and accept what we cannot.

17. Progress not perfection.
What important is the willingness to learn, to improve and to grow. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the progress.

18. Enjoy little things.
Most of the time, those little things are actually the big one’s that we just ignore.

19. Stuff really is just stuff…
…and it has absolutely no bearing on who you are as a person. What is real is YOU and your friends and your family, your loves, your highs, your hopes, your plans, your fears, etc.

20. Life doesn’t necessarily get better.
There are good times and there are bad times. You just get stronger and prettier. Haha!

21. Be responsible with time.
Our irresponsibility will cause somebody else’s time. I am now easily annoyed being late or when someone else is late, especially when plans have to adjust just because someone is late.

22. Dance. Sing. Make music.
I love doing these things. I dance even when no one is watching. I sing for the sake of singing. I make music on my own style. Who cares?! Just do want makes you happy.

23. Talk to your heart.
When things get tough, when situation seems to be so overwhelming and when my emotion is getting in the way. I talk to my heart (literally! haha!); I let it understand the situation to stay calm and make kind and rational decision.

24. Power hugs and being held were awesome!
I will never forget those hugs that helped me to heal emotionally. Touch is my primary love language, I really appreciate big hugs and whenever my hand is being held; always looking forward to give and receive one from those who are close to me.

25. No giving up. Never ever dare to give up.
Life can throw a lot of stuff to you. Some are real problems, some are just self-inflicted. Whatever it is, life is too short to dwell on bad moments. There is beauty in everything. Always remember the “This too shall pass!”, “I can do this, I will do this!” attitude.

26. Mind your own business.
Stop bothering yourself about issues and opinions of others that you don’t have any control of. Focus on your controlled environment and that is ‘you’.

27. Life is beautiful.
It is unpredictable. You will be happy, sad, worried, lonely and excited all at once. You will wonder and wander. You will be in nice places and you will meet amazing people. You will fall in love and you will have your heart broken, only to have someone walk into your life and put the pieces back. Life is incredibly beautiful, it is all worth it! :)

28. The Lord is Sovereign.
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His ways are higher than our ways.

Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. (Ecc 12: 13-14)

As a final word,

To what has been; thank you God.

To what is to come, thank you God.

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