This blog was written with one thing in mind; that other people might learn from these things and avoid doing the same.
1. Do not hurry getting a job just to please people or just to say that you are not job less after graduating. THINK CAREFULLY. Your first job most likely dictate the future of your career. It will affect your career growth, your growth as a person, your intellect, your financial freedom and your self-esteem. In most cases, career shifting is very tedious.
2. Do not fall in love with someone who is already in love with someone else. It is like banging your self on a wall. It will drain all your energy and happiness. It will change you as a person; bitter or better, your choice.
3. Do not force yourself to be in sync with your friends/colleagues lifestyle if your income cannot sustain it yet. This will only leave you broke and struggling with your finances.
4. Do not force yourself to maturity because time and circumstances will bring you there whether you like it or not. If given the chance, maximize your youth but NOT in expense of your health... :). Enjoy as much as you can. Because when quarter life crisis sink-in to your soul that's the time you will search for deeper meaning about everything.
It is true that regrets are inevitable but what important is that we enjoy the experience we had and learned from it.
Word of God that we can fonder in times of regret:
"...I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead" - Phil 3:13